Quakers in Pastoral Care & Counseling
Quakers in Pastoral Care & Counseling

Identity, Purpose, & Government

The purpose of QPCC, as an organization, is to provide opportunities for education and mutual support in the various ministries to which we have been called and to encourage in one another a deepening reliance on what we hold sacred.


QPCC relies on Quaker business practice in governing itself. A Steering Committee of QPCC members, named during the annual meeting, handles the administration of the organization and is responsible for conference planning. The Steering Committee consists of at least six and not more than nine members, named for three-year terms. Each year, 1/3 of the membership of the committee will rotate off. Steering Committee members are to serve no more than two consecutive terms.

Composition of the Steering Committee: Insofar as possible, it is advisable that the Steering Committee represent the breadth of the organization's membership. It is best to have members from as many different yearly meetings and disciplines of ministry as possible.

Selection of Steering Committee members: Until it is deemed necessary to form a nominating committee, members who wish to serve on the Steering Committee will make themselves known to the membership at the annual conference. If they wish, candidates may post to the QPCC website, in advance of the conference, a brief biographical statement, reasons for desiring the position, and any projects or concerns to which they particularly want to give their attention. Any such bios and statements will also be made available in the annual meeting packets.

Discussion of candidates and discernment of new Steering Committee members will take place during meeting for worship with attention to business during the annual conference.  Any QPCC member may nominate another member to the Steering Committee by approaching that person and encouraging him/her to put his/her name forward.

Officers: The Steering Committee will name its own clerk, recording clerk, and treasurer.

Other positions: A conference registrar and a clerk of membership may either be named from among Steering Committee members or, if selected from the general membership, the registrar and clerk of membership will sit on the Steering Committee.

Duties of the Officers:  The clerk of the Steering Committee will oversee the work of the Steering Committee. The clerk will preside at meetings of the Steering Committee as well as the meetings for worship with attention to business at the annual conference.

The recording clerk will keep minutes of all Steering Committee meetings and QPCC meetings for worship with attention to business.

The treasurer is responsible for the funds of the organization, and makes financial reports to both the Steering Committee and QPCC at its conference and/or by other means as needed during the year.


Subcommittees: The Steering Committee may name subcommittees as needed (e.g., membership, conference planning, outreach). At least one member of the Steering Committee must be on each subcommittee and serve as liaison between the Steering Committee and subcommittee.

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